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Coronavirus Update-19 ANDT Helpline

Labour Helpline for Unemployed Workers of Greater Noida

Labor brothers living in Greater Noida, who were unemployed due to Corona lockdown, can enroll themselves through this form, your information will be conveyed to those who are looking for industry and office workers. There is a humble request to all the institutions/people who distribute food to the needy, besides distributing food to the needy, and also register the laborers to provide them employment.    Fill Form

ग्रेटर नोएडा में रहने वाले श्रमिक भाई, जो कोरोना लॉकडाउन के चलते बेरोज़गार हो गए थे, वो इस फार्म के द्वारा अपना नामांकन करे, जो भी उद्योग एवं कार्यालय श्रमिकों की तलाश में हैं उनतक आपकी जानकारी पहुंचाई जा सकेगी। जरुरतमंदो को खाना बाँटने वाली सभी संस्थाओं / लोगों से विनम्र आग्रह है कि जरुरतमंदो को खाना बाँटने के साथ साथ मजदूरों को रोजगार दिलाने के लिए उनका पंजीकरण भी कराएँ।    नामांकन करे


Registration Link to come UP from Other State

Registration Link to go to the Other States from UP


Vande Bharat Mission Registration Website Link & Flight Schedule

Vande Bharat Mission(वंदे भारत मिशन) is a new scheme started by Central Government of India aiming to bring Indian citizens from abroad who are trapped due to COVID-19 epidemic. Sixty Four (64) repatriation flights will be operated from today i.e. 7th May 2020 under the scheme of Vande Bharat Mission to bring fifteen thousand (15,000) Indian nationals from twelve(12) countries. Trapped Indian nationals in abroad may check flight schedules and book at the below link.


Trapped Needy in Greater Noida

If you know anyone in need who lives in Greater Noida/Noida or other adjoining areas and have any type of problem, ANDT would be happy to help to make supplies reach out to them and/or to provide shelter to live, food and basic amenities to stay till Lockdown period. Please reach us on our helpline number.


Aarogya Setu App

ANDT recommend Aarogya Setu app Launched by Govt of India to fight against COVID19. Please download and share it using this link 
Android :

iOS :

Package Any 3 (MT, UT, PT, RT & VT)
Duration 15 days
Fee INR 15000 USD 200
Package Any 4 (MT, UT, PT, RT & VT)
Duration 21 days
Fee INR 19500 USD 250



  • Created 26-Mar-2020