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ASNT NDT Level III Examination

Basic and Method Exams

For ASNT NDT Level III certification, Candidates must pass both the NDT Basic and the Method Examination.

Within a two-year period, a maximum of 3 examinations in either Method or the Basic examination are allowed.

1)  A candidate who fails the initial basic or Method examination will not be allowed to retake it for 30 days after the failure date.

2)  A candidate who fails the basic or Method examination for the 2nd time is not allowed to retake it for 90 days from the date of failure.

3)  A candidate who fails the basic or Method examination for the 3rd time will not be allowed to retake the exam for 1 year from the date of failure and will have to reapply as a new candidate. In no case shall a person be allowed to take an examination more than 3 times in a two-year period.

Exam Specifications

The table below shows the number of questions and time given for each exam. You'll be sent to a subject outline and reference page for that exam when you click on it. A complete list of references can be found in the American National Standard ANSI/ASNT CP-105, Standard Topical Outlines for Qualification of Nondestructive Testing Personnel.




 No. of  Items*





 4 hrs

 Required for ASNT NDT Level   III & ACCP Level III Certification

 Acoustic Emission Testing  (AE)


 4 hrs

NDT only

 Electromagnetic Testing (ET)


 4 hrs

 NDT only

 Thermal/Infrared Testing (IR)


 2 hrs

 NDT only

 Leak Testing (LT)


 4 hrs

 NDT only

 Magnetic Flux Leakage (MFL)


 2 hrs

 NDT only

 Magnetic Particle Testing (MT)


 2 hrs


 Liquid Penetrant Testing (PT)


 2 hrs


 Radiographic Testing (RT)


 4 hrs


 Ultrasonic Testing (UT)


 4 hrs


 Visual Testing (VT)


 2 hrs




Course/Method Fee (INR)
NDT Basic Exam  22,000
Magnetic Particle Testing (MT)  22,000
Liquid Penetrant Testing (PT)  22,000
Radiographic Testing (RT)  30,000
Ultrasonic Testing (UT)  30,000
Visual Testing (VT)  30,000










Basic Method Preparation for ASNT NDT Level III Exams

Fresh Batch: Every 1st and 15th of the Month (Flexible Batches are also available)
Offline Classroom/Online Live Lecture
Book Seat Now: Call +918285063764

Eligibility for Level III

B.Tech & BSc candidates should have a minimum of 1 Yr experience after Level II

Diploma candidates should have a minimum of 2 Yr of experience after Level II

Other candidates should have a minimum of 4 Yr of experience after Level II

This Study Guide is intended to aid candidates preparing for the ASNT NDT Level III Basic Examination in one or more methods. It is also useful for individuals preparing to take a Basic Level III Examination under an employer’s qualification and certification program. The content and sample questions have been updated to reflect the latest (2016) edition of SNT-TC-1A, CP-189, and CP-105.

NDT Level III Preparation Course is available in Online and Classroom Mode. WhatsApp Us at +918285063764

Click Here & Pay Fee 

  • Created 24-May-2022